Should Men Have a Say in Abortion?

Is your partner unexpectedly pregnant and considering abortion? Or are you pregnant and wondering if your partner should have a say when it comes to abortion? Abortion is a serious medical decision that will not only affect your future forever but your partners as well. While every partner relationship is unique, men may want to

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What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?

Every woman’s body and abortion experience is unique, but there are common risks of abortion that you should know before making a decision. If you’re wondering what happens to your body after an abortion, keep reading. A woman could experience incomplete abortion, fever, or infection after an abortion. Risks to Each Type of Abortion Risks

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Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Are you and your partner considering abortion? We know this time can be stressful, but you are not alone. The financial strain it can have on you and your girlfriend can be overwhelming. Abortion is not cheap, and if you and your girlfriend aren’t married, she most likely cannot be covered by your insurance. Will

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

You may be wondering whether an online abortion is safe. Also known as a medical abortion, online (or at-home) abortion is a two-step method using mifepristone and misoprostol. Keep reading to learn the safety factors to consider when reviewing this abortion option. You deserve the facts. The Origin of the Abortion Pill With more legal

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What is a Medical Abortion?

Are you considering medical abortion as you face an unplanned pregnancy? You may be overwhelmed by so many questions and emotions right now. Take a moment to breathe and consider all your options and the risks that come with abortion. What is Medical Abortion? Also called the abortion pill, medical abortion includes taking two different

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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Sharing the news with your partner alone can be stressful, and then sharing that you want an abortion can seem even more overwhelming. To take the weight off yourself, we always recommend being open and honest about your pregnancy journey with your partner. Opening up to your partner doesn’t make it ok for your partner

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My Partner Is Pressing Me To Abort, But I Am Not Sure

When an unexpected pregnancy occurs, it can be a confusing and difficult time. You will need to make an important decision, and outside pressure does not make things any easier. Your partner, or even your family, may want you to abort, but an abortion choice will impact you the most. There are facts you need

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How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Adoption is a great option if you are concerned about the risks and side effects of an abortion. You have more than one option when it comes to your pregnancy decision. Here are the facts about abortion and how adoption may prevent depression caused by the procedure. Though adoption comes with its hardships, it may

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Don’t Want Another Abortion?

Abortion may be something you don’t want right now, and that’s okay. Maybe the risks are too much for you. You’ve had an abortion, and your previous experience gives you the clarity of not wanting another one. In this blog, we want to share more about your alternative pregnancy options and available support and resources.

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Wondering what kind of physical effects abortion has on women? It’s important to understand the potential risks and side effects when considering this option.  Abortion could affect you physically with heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion, or even infection. We want to offer you the facts so you can make a clear decision for yourself.  How Could

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Studies shared in this blog show how women are affected mentally after abortion, struggling with things like anxiety, depression, and alcohol or drug dependence. If you’re thinking of abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant, be sure to consider the risks. The Mental Effects of Abortion An article published in the National Library of Medicine

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I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

We know how scary an unexpected pregnancy can be. You are not alone. Abortion is not your only option.  You may feel overwhelmed by external pressures or from those you know and love. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Make a confident decision today by understanding more about your other two pregnancy options besides

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Why Talk to Us about Abortion?

You have more than one option when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, and we think you deserve to know the facts. Talk to us about abortion today to get accurate information about your pregnancy options as well as the risks. To protect your health, get all the information you need before choosing an abortion.

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Are you struggling after an abortion? Youre not alone in your struggle. With such a drastic procedure comes significant emotional effects. Hope and help are available.  It’s important to seek professional help if you find yourself struggling. You deserve to have peace and joy in your life once again. Our caring team at the Pregnancy

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

Wondering what is next in your pregnancy journey? If you are considering abortion, there are some steps to take to protect your health. Abortion is not simply a quick fix for an unplanned pregnancy, but a serious medical decision to be sure about.  In this blog, we want to share with you three things needed

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

It can be difficult to make a pregnancy decision, especially with the pressures of life and the input of those around you. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. While no one can tell you if abortion or adoption is right for you, we can help you better understand your options so you can make

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Did you recently have an abortion, or maybe you are considering the side effects? Signs that you could be experiencing an incomplete abortion include heavy bleeding, abdominal cramping, fever, or low blood pressure. It’s vital that you do not wait if you suspect any complications after an abortion procedure.  Contact emergency care services right away

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What are the Different Types of Abortion?

The two types of abortion are medical and surgical. Factors influencing which procedure is chosen can depend on how far along a pregnancy is (gestational age), personal preference, medical history, and other medical details. 1. Medical Abortion – The Abortion Pill Also known as “the abortion pill,” medical abortion consists of two different drugs to

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What Are The Risks Of Abortion?

We know how scary the pregnancy journey can be and you are not alone as you navigate your options. If you are considering getting an abortion, you may want to understand more about the risks involved. Depending on what type of abortion you have, some risks include infection, heavy bleeding, and incomplete abortion.  Two Types

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Just like there are potential physical risks with abortion, there are also possible emotional risks. Some women experience deep sadness and depression because of their abortion. Experts say your response has much to do with your mental health beforehand.  What Is Depression? According to the Mayo Clinic, depression is a “mood disorder that causes a

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Stds (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

What is an STD? An STD is a sexually transmitted disease. In other words, it is a disease contracted through sexual activity, and there are many different kinds. They can be transmitted vaginally, orally, or anally, via body fluids or blood, and even through skin to skin contact. What kinds of STDs are there? There

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Plan C

WHAT IS PLAN C? In a nutshell, Plan C is the abortion pill without a doctor’s exam or prescription (a DIY medical abortion). The FDA requires that the abortion pill must be given as directed only by a medical doctor. The pill is not safe for:• People who have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes,

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ABSTINENCE (It’s not a bad thing) What is abstinence? The dictionary defines abstinence as self-restraint, self-denial, or forbearance, usually regarding something that is bad for us, such as alcohol or smoking. It can also be defined as self-control. Basically, abstinence is doing without something that you would really like to have but know is not

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Grieving after Giving up a Child for Adoption

You are not alone. What you are feeling is normal. You cannot avoid the feelings of grief… you must go through the full experience of it if you wish to have a complete life. It is generally accepted that there are five established stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. However, the

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What to Expect During Pregnancy Week by Week

WHAT TO EXPECT DURING PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK Sometimes the first symptom of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period, but often a woman may have other symptoms pop up even before she has missed her period. Because it’s nearly impossible to know one’s actual conception date, a due date is determined as 40 weeks from

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Marijuana and Pregnancy

Is marijuana use harmful during pregnancy? Because marijuana is neither regulated nor evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) there are few hard data available, and no oversights in place other than individual states’ regulations. The FDA has not approved medical marijuana for treatment of any medical condition, yet many states have made

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Vaping and Pregnancy

VAPING AND PREGNANCY What is Vaping? “Vaping” is the use of a faux cigarette, also called a “vaporizer”. Instead of smoke, it gives off vapor, which comes from heating a liquid, usually with nicotine and other chemicals. They are also called e-cigs, vape pens, e-hookahs, and mods. They have become very popular, as the health

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How to Determine Your Due Date

Congratulations! You have just discovered that you’re pregnant. Now you may be wondering how far along in your pregnancy you are, and when the baby is due to be born. Most gestations (the time that you carry the baby) are figured at 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. Your menstrual

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