Grieving after Giving up a Child for Adoption

You are not alone. What you are feeling is normal. You cannot avoid the feelings of grief… you must go through the full experience of it if you wish to have a complete life. It is generally accepted that there are five established stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. However, the

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What to Expect During Pregnancy Week by Week

WHAT TO EXPECT DURING PREGNANCY WEEK BY WEEK Sometimes the first symptom of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period, but often a woman may have other symptoms pop up even before she has missed her period. Because it’s nearly impossible to know one’s actual conception date, a due date is determined as 40 weeks from

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Marijuana and Pregnancy

Is marijuana use harmful during pregnancy? Because marijuana is neither regulated nor evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) there are few hard data available, and no oversights in place other than individual states’ regulations. The FDA has not approved medical marijuana for treatment of any medical condition, yet many states have made

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Vaping and Pregnancy

VAPING AND PREGNANCY What is Vaping? “Vaping” is the use of a faux cigarette, also called a “vaporizer”. Instead of smoke, it gives off vapor, which comes from heating a liquid, usually with nicotine and other chemicals. They are also called e-cigs, vape pens, e-hookahs, and mods. They have become very popular, as the health

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How to Determine Your Due Date

Congratulations! You have just discovered that you’re pregnant. Now you may be wondering how far along in your pregnancy you are, and when the baby is due to be born. Most gestations (the time that you carry the baby) are figured at 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. Your menstrual

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The Importance of Prenatal Care

WHAT IS PRENATAL CARE? Prenatal care is the healthcare a woman receives during her pregnancy. Because catching potential problems early can reduce the risk of complications, as soon as a woman suspects she may be pregnant she should make an appointment with her healthcare provider. Regular prenatal care can: • Reduce pregnancy complications, such as

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Sexual Assault

What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is clearly defined. It is defined as any kind of sexual behavior/contact that is not freely consented by both parties, and that is obtained through any kind of force or intimidation. These can include: • Violence• Coercion• Manipulation• Threat• Deception• Abuse of authority (ie, a teacher or police) This

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Zika Virus

WHAT IS THE ZIKA VIRUS? Zika is a virus which is spread by mosquitoes and can also be transmitted sexually. It is dangerous for pregnant women, because Zika has been known to cause severe defects in the unborn child, including microcephaly, a condition that affects the baby’s brain development. Rebecca Sunenshine, Medical Director for Disease

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How Do I Tell My Parents Im Pregnant?

Telling your parents that you are pregnant may be one of the hardest things you will ever do. You may feel like you’ve let them down or that they may never forgive you. Please remember that no matter what their initial reaction is, this reaction will most likely change over time if you maintain a

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Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Pregnancy

When a woman discovers she is pregnant, one of the first things she wants to know is if she should continue to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, as she has heard that they can be harmful to the baby. She probably already knows that she shouldn’t be doing drugs of any kind, anyway, but especially

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Healthy Pregnancy

If you have just found out you’re pregnant, you want to make sure you do all that you can to have a healthy baby. Here are the first steps to take. • The first and most important thing to do is to schedule an appointment with a health care provider who specializes in pregnancies, such

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Love vs. Infatuation

OVE VS. INFATUATION HOW CAN YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE? Infatuation is an intense feeling of attraction for someone. It often is mistaken for love but can fizzle out quickly, whereas true love for one another continues. Infatuation is self-centered and emotional, often based on how we are feeling; it is that “over the moon” euphoria

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Morning Sickness

MORNING SICKNESS What is morning sickness? Morning sickness, also called nausea gravidarum, is nausea and/or vomiting during pregnancy, and can be the first sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs around 6 weeks and ends around the 12th week, but in a few unlucky women can continue throughout the pregnancy. Despite its name, it can affect

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Benefits of Breastfeeding

Many women wonder whether they should breast feed their newborn, and if so, for how long? Here is a list of some of the benefits of breastfeeding. It’s healthier for the baby. Breast milk provides the ideal nutrients for your baby to grow, with the perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fat and is more

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The Facts About STDs

WHAT ARE STD’S? STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease. This means you can be infected with a disease through any kind of sexual activity, including orally, vaginally, and anally. There are more than 25 major STDs.There are two main categories of STD’s: Bacterial (usually curable) and Viral (incurable). BACTERIAL STDs are curable if they’re detected early

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Adoption Today

Making an adoption plan for your baby is a very unselfish decision to make. Adoption is not for everyone but it might be the best one for you at this time in your life. It is a difficult decision and you owe it to yourself and your baby to educate yourself in the process. You

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The Joy of Volunteering

Nonprofits like PCC depend heavily on volunteers. Without volunteers, many of the services provided would not be possible. Volunteers don’t just benefit nonprofits, however. Individuals who invest their own time and energy also benefit. There is a sense of personal pride that comes when you give back to your own community and invest time in

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Is Second Virginity ‘A Thing’?

A trend moving across the nation among young women is THE SECOND VIRGINITY. Unfulfilled and hurt from past sexual liaisons, more women are taking control of their bodies—and feeling better for it emotionally. What are the benefits to THE SECOND VIRGINITY? Avoiding all STD’s (Sexual Transmitted Diseases). Many STDs are curable, but others carry a

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The Abortion Pill

THE ABORTION PILLIf you are facing an unplanned pregnancy you may feel fearful and confused. You may be pressured by others, and it may appear that the easiest and simplest way would be a medical (chemical) abortion, otherwise known as the abortion pill. The following information is to help you understand what the abortion pill

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Grief After Miscarriage

GRIEF AFTER MISCARRIAGE YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In the United States it is estimated that 15%-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Many women, however, feel alone and grieve in silence. When you don’t receive the sympathy and support you need, your reactions may become more intense and scarier. COMMON REACTIONS: ConfusionYou may wonder what

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Accuracy of Pregnancy Tests

There are two main types of pregnancy tests given: One uses a urine sample, and the other uses a blood sample. Both tests detect the presence of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadopotrin (hCG). After the fertilized egg has attached itself to the uterine lining (implantation) the placenta starts producing this hormone. It builds up

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Marriage Benefits

MARRIAGE: A BENEFICIAL LIFESTYLE CHOICEWhile marriage is work, research affirms that it is prosperous to your long-term physical, financial, and emotional health. It also edifies the next generation and communities where they reside. THE BOTTOM LINEThose who get and stay married are four-times more likely to enjoy greater financial stability than their divorced or single

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Ectopic Pregnancy

ECTOPIC PREGNANCY (Tubal pregnancy) An ectopic pregnancy is one in which a fertilized egg (embryo) implants and develops somewhere other than the lining of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is potentially dangerous, so it is important to recognize the early signs and seek medical help. Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy cannot

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Post Abortion Syndrome

P0ST-ABORTION SYNDROME (PAS) Post-abortion syndrome occurs after an abortion and can be experienced by both men and women. Symptoms are similar to those in any post-traumatic stress disorder and may involve psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual distress. Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PAS) is a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and affects everyone involved. Making the

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Reversal Of The Abortion Pill

REVERSAL OF THE ABORTION PILL (Medical Abortion) Have you taken the first dose of mifepristone pills for a medical abortion and now you have changed your mind? It may not be too late. The process CAN be reversed. The HOTLINE number is (877) 558-0333. HOW THE ABORTION PILL WORKS At the first doctor visit you

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The Morning-After Pill (Plan B)

If you have had unprotected sex and now you are wondering if you could be pregnant, you may have heard about Plan B, the “emergency contraception” from friends and are wondering what it is, and if you should take it. (NOTE: The Morning-After pill is NOT the same as the Abortion pill.) WHAT THE MORNING-AFTER

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