Although the topic of abortion is always in the news, you never hear about the emotional impact. Reporters talk about federal and state laws, but they never write about a woman’s experience. Abortion clinics talk about how easy it is, but they never mention a woman’s feelings either.
Perhaps the fact that the media never talks about how a woman feels is why women who’ve had abortions rarely talk about them either. It seems like women talk about everything, but their abortion. Maybe she’s afraid she’ll be judged or she thinks it’s too embarrassing to talk about. Whatever the reason, women keep their post-abortion feelings to themselves.
Have You Been Affected By An Abortion Decision?
At the Pregnancy Care Center, we believe women are affected by their decision to have an abortion. Many women struggle with sadness, anger, shame, and regret days, months, or even years post-abortion. For some, abortion is a very traumatic experience. They experience these emotions:
- Anxiety
- Depression or sadness
- Anger
- Grief
- Guilt
- Numbness
- Fear
Help Is Available
If you’ve had any of the above feelings or are experiencing other emotions after your abortion, join our Recovery Group. You need someone you can trust to open up to. Others are hurting just like you and there’s comfort in knowing you’re not alone in your feelings.
Our Healing Program
We offer an 8-week course that can help you find the healing you need. For more information, please call the center at 480-374-2994. Contact us.